
You're on the right track - and we are so happy you chose IAMH to be your partner in this journey towards mental wellness!

Young cauccasian man talking in a therapy setting.

Let's Begin

The first thing you need to do is pick who you’d like to work with. Therapy is like constructing a building. You need a solid foundation! Choose an MWP you’d like to have an introductory session with.

You can find a list of MWPs by using the button below.

Once you’ve chosen your preferred MWP, go to Step 1. 

You can find out more about our service offerings and pricing here

🪜 Your First-Time Journey:

➡️ Step 0 – Choose MWP

Step 1 – Book Session

Step 2 – Intake Form

Step 3 – Wellness Check

Step 4 – Attend your Appointment

Step 5 – Book your Next Sessions

Before Your Session

A – To help serve you better, we need some basic information from you. We request you to fill out this New Client Intake Form so that we can make sure we are providing you with the highest standards of care. Needless to say, this information is confidential and we’ll treat it with respect as per our privacy policy. Please make sure you fill this form at the earliest – and definitely at least 2 hours before your session – to avoid automatic cancellation of the session.

B – Please make sure you are ready for the video-call/call or text session at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled session time. Your therapist will mark the session as a no-show after 15 minutes of waiting, so please do make sure you are on time!

C – Therapy can be a very personal experience, so make sure you are in a private space where you feel comfortable opening up – for some people this is their room, for others, it may be sitting in the car in their garage. Whatever feels right – just make sure you’re safe. Also, make sure you can access high-speed internet without interruptions and that the WiFi/LTE signal is high (a lot of people tend to forget this!)

During Your Session

For video sessions, be sure to have adequate light on your face. Also, try to speak clearly, and remember that the therapist is there to guide you. Be sure to tell your therapist about all things small and big – there’s no judgment. Your therapist has literally trained for years to make sure of that. Sometimes, details or thoughts which seem insignificant to us may be of use to the therapist – so don’t withhold any information.

Between Sessions

In case you want to check your next session timings or look at past bookings, you can check the consultations section of the My Accounts page on the IAMH website. If you need assistance, VervU – our super-friendly chat assistant will be happy to help you. You can also reach out to us at